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The Foodie – Mixed Pack

SKU: 0501 Category:

A perfect combination of six healthy oils from Olivado, great for salads and healthy meal options.

SKU: 0501 Category:


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About this Product

A perfect combination of healthy oils, the Foodie Pack is great for salads and healthy meal options.

Focusing on our award-winning, extra virgin avocado oil, with three bottles dedicated to our infusion range.

Packed with vitamins and minerals, there is a reason Rosemary is one of the most popular herbs in the kitchen. Used by the peoples of the Mediterranean for centuries, its distinctive aroma is added to everything from soups to steaks, and mixed with our avocado oil, it’s a perfect addition to any meal.

Our avocado oil infused with basil goes great with simple, healthy stir-fries, especially those with cashew nuts, eggplant, and peppers, giving these dishes a Thai influence. An outstanding source of Vitamin K, basil is so highly anti-bacterial, its essential oils restrict the growth of Listeria, Staphylococcus, and E. Coli.

And, finally, avocado and lemon, a match made in heaven. Lemons go with fish, meat, or chicken, but really shine when it comes to baking. Scones, custards, jams… all can be improved with a dash of our avocado and lemon infusion!

The Foodie Mixed Pack includes these six products:

  • Extra Virgin Avocado Oil – 250ml
  • Extra Virgin Avocado Lemon Zest Oil – 250ml
  • Infused Avocado Oil and Basil – 250ml
  • Infused Avocado Oil and Rosemary – 250ml
  • Extra Virgin Sesame Oil – 250ml
  • Extra Virgin Macadamia Nut Oil – 250ml