Why our Extra Virgin Olive Oil is simply the best

There’s pure olive oil, light olive oil, and then there’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which might just be the healthiest low heat cooking oil out there.

Extra virgin oils aren’t just a fancy name.

To be called extra virgin, an olive oil must have no more than 0.8% acidity. No chemicals can be used in the refining process, and it all must be done at relatively low temperatures so not to “burn off” the natural goodness of the olives.

Regular, pure, processed, virgin, extra virgin… with so many options available on the shelf, it’s no surprise that consumers feel a little bit confused about the quality and type of oil they are buying.

We’re here to tell you that you should always buy extra virgin oil, and here’s why…

Why buy an Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

Extra Virgin Oils are more expensive, but there’s a reason for that. Like most things in life, you tend to get what you pay for, and the benefits of buying extra virgin fall into two main categories; health and taste.

Chef using Olivado oils


Olive oil has been a staple of the Mediterranean diet for thousands of years.

The high levels of polyphenolic compounds in olive oil are thought to be the reason people in the region have astonishing low rates of heart disease, arthritis, and even a higher life expectancy than their European counterparts.

Studies have also shown olive oil to lower LDL cholesterol, the bad type of cholesterol, while raising HDL, the good type. HDL cholesterol is considered good because it helps remove other forms of cholesterol from your bloodstream, resulting in a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.

Our brains are made up of fatty acids, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil is high in monounsaturated fats, acting as fuel for the brain. Studies have shown that olive oil can help improve memory, mood and attention, with even some clinical trials suggesting that it may help fight against the causes of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

It’s noticeable that cultures located around the Mediterranean have noticeably low statistics when it comes to these diseases.

Other scientific studies have also shown Olive Oil acts as an anti-inflammatory, helping with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and general aches and pains. A 2015 study even found that olive oil had a significant impact on both chronic and acute inflammation.


Of course, it’s not simply better for you health-wise, but the taste of EV Olive Oil is also better than regular oil.

Regular or virgin olive oil will have a higher acidity content, making it more neutral and less colourful.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil tastes more natural, that’s because it is just the pressing of the olives in the bottle and nothing else so that leaves a grassy, peppery flavour and a fruity aroma. The stronger the peppery taste the higher the polyphenols [the good stuff in olive oil]

Fresh, unprocessed Extra Virgin Olive Oil should taste a bit fruity and a wee bit bitter – unsurprisingly, like biting into an olive!

Olivado cooking oils

The best Extra Virgin Olive Oil you can buy

Olivado’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a premium all-purpose extra virgin oil for salads, vegetables and Mediterranean dishes.

The olives for our Extra Virgin Olive Oil are Barnea Olives, indigenous to Israel and only grown there, in Italy, Australia and New Zealand. The end result of the Barnea Olive is a fruity oil with a fresh buttery taste and peppery finish.

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil is of the very highest quality, cold-pressed with mechanical extraction in Australia, meeting every standard set out by the International Olive Council.

The weapon of choice for many professional chefs around the world, our Extra Virgin Olive Oil is made from the finest ingredients, processed without chemicals, and even bottled in dark glass to protect from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

When you see the Olivado label, there’s no need to worry about what’s in the bottle; you’ve got the very best cooking oil on the market.

If you have any questions about Olivado, our EV Olive Oil, or indeed any of our award-winning cooking oils, then please don’t hesitate to contact us today and our friendly and experienced staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

You can also keep up with the latest recipes, competitions and news on our Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest pages.

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